
“Dislocations 2019” is the sixth edition of the Dislocations conference series, which aims at bringing together researches with a common interest – studying dislocation properties and how to relate them to plastic deformation.  The conference attracts experienced and young researchers from different disciplines to discuss experimental observations, computer simulations and theoretical models of dislocations and plasticity. The latest results are presented during the single-session conference. Invited and contributed talks will be given during the conference days, including a poster session.

The conference series started on June 2000 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (MD, USA). Since then, “Dislocations” conferences were held at La Colle sur Loup (France) in 2004, Hong Kong in 2008, Budapest (Hungary) in 2012 and at West Lafayette, (IN, USA) on 2016. The next conference will be held in Haifa (Israel) during the week of 15-20 September 2019.

Haifa is built on the slopes of Mount Carmel overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We hope that you will take this opportunity to benefit from a stimulating scientific meeting and visit some of the interesting and unique sites in Haifa and in Israel.


Late abstract submission for POSTERS is available – click here